Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Comprehensive List of OChem Laboratory Equipment

Hello! So I have spent the last 1.5 months setting up my organic chemistry research lab at the University of Florida! As such, I have changed my standard focus from running reactions, reading the ASAPs, and enjoying a libation or two to setting up a laboratory and preparing for CHM5225, "General Principles of Organic Chemistry." I guess there was a Gordon Conference squeezed in there too, which left me more exhausted than ever! Suffice it to say, it has been an exciting time!

Not surprisingly, something came out of this experience that I thought might be useful to others: A Comprehensive List of OChem Laboratory Equipment. Such a list could be useful to people setting up a research-oriented organic lab. Though "interweb" (or is it "interpipe?") searches were attempted to find such lists, they don't appear to be present on the WWW in a comprehensive format. Here is a first step toward changing this, eventhough I am sure (a) items are missing, (b) everyone's needs are different and (c) people's vision of OChem labs are different than mine. Anyway, I hope/think someone may find this useful.

The following document is meant to outline "essential" items and equipment that belong in an organic chemistry lab. The list includes the following sections:

(a) Personal Glassware and (b) Other Personal Items: Items intended not to be shared (It is up to the individual to care for and maintain these items... mostly common and/or small items)
(c) Oversized/Shared Glassware: Items that are less common, less utilized, and/or expensive.
(d) Shared Lab Equipment.
(e) Disposables and Consumables.

If you are interested in this document, you will also notice that I have supplied part numbers for your convenience. All items were essentially purchased from Fisher and Chemglass in this case. I have NOT included my negotiated price... do your own bartering!! :-) (seriously though, don't forget to negotiate pricing).

edit: As far as I can tell, I cannot add an excel file to these posts, but I do plan to post it on my website when I get around to it.

After many man-hours with plenty of help from a young graduate student, the lab has been set up!!! Here are a few select photos of the Grenning Research Lab to shamelessly promote myself and UF.  We are not quite running reactions yet, but getting pretty darn close! CHEERS, AG


  1. This was really an interesting topic and I kinda agree with what you have mentioned here! Elmendorf Tear Tester

  2. It a point to read all the fine print associated with the materials testing equipment in great detail, and if possible insist on a free trial as many manufacturers do offer the same. Abrasion
